quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2017


Ceramic Experiments by Dimitri Bähler

Two years after his Patterns & Colors’ series, Swiss designer Dimitri Bähler has been invited to develop his ceramic experimentations at CERCCO workspace, the Experimentation and Research Center for Contemporary Ceramics of the Geneva University of Art and Design.
As a jumping-off point, he could succeed to ‘VPT&C’ as ‘Volumes, Patterns, Textures & Colors’, a set of vases, plinths or other abstract artefacts that questions the functionality of objects. Decorative, useful or both, the versatility of his works is divided up into three main axes. Starting with digital printing in 2013, then carving by wood tools and natural process where the glaze itself generate textures. Thanks to his dedication, he won the Grand Prize of the Interieur award competition 2016. Some of these pieces are available on Dimitri Bähler website or at VITRA Schaudepot shop.

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